Friday, August 22, 2008

No show Jones

I've decided that Chills has a last name and it's Jones. As in George "No Show" Jones.

A few years ago, at a Loretta Lynn concert, I think at the Fair, she came on the stage really, really sick.

But being a true-country super diety, she soldiered on and put on a really good show. At one point, she apologized for not sounding as good as she'd like to and said "It's better'n no show Jones, ain it?"

So Chills is not around. Every time I think I have this figured out, it turns out not to be so.

And dear god, I'll never forget what from now on will be referred to as the "Night of the Possum."

Like "Night of the Iguana," but without the booze. That's it! I need to go drink shots.

Great. These dam cats have turned me into a Tennessee Williams character

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