Monday, September 1, 2008

More Cat House

It's so weird on blogs, you have to read backwards, starting at the end and going back to the beginning. So, see more Cat House pictures below.

Since it's a "no-kill" shelter, a significant portion of the facility is devoted to HIV+, and other kitties that can't be around other cats for fear of disease transmission. Volunteers follow strict protocol entering and leaving these areas.

Your humble correspondant got her hands and the bottoms of her shoes disinfected a couple of times in order to go visit kittens and other cats being quarantined before adoption. This ensures a healthy cat when adoption time comes.
This guy reminded me of Chills, kind of. Notice the thing on his right ear. You see, when he first came to TCH he liked to pick fights. Well, he ended up with a hematoma on the ear, which had to be drained. Problem is, when that happens it often makes the ear "shrivel." So the thing is a cast, of sorts, to keep the ear stable until it heals.
Oh, and he has decided fighting isn't that great and has shown way better manners since The Incident.
Tough lesson, but one we all have to learn at some point.

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